Monday, August 18, 2008

Ten Things

We've all seen those 'ten things about you' on Myspace. I have been tagged twice for them recently so here they are:

The Original Ten.

1. I like walking in the rain ... naked and in the jungle is even better while doing so.

2. I want to travel to all the places around the world I have lived in again ... at least the places I didn't leave too many bodies in

3. I used to wear glasses before the retna surgeries - thick ones too.

4. I have never drank or smoked or taken drugs and I still can party'em under the table just ask the Paris Police or the Rome Police or the Rio Police or ...

5. I am a voracious reader and have several thousand tomes on every subject imaginable (and yes, those, too), in my library.

6. I have memorized the lyrics to practically every song I have ever heard, but can't recite them without the music playing except for a couple of Beatles tunes.

7. I want to get back on stage this year - dramatic or comedic. I can do both. Maybe I just might take MaryBeth up on one if her offers - I mean three women at one time sounds nice doesn't it.

8. I have some wild and crazy friends. Some might say some are warped.

9. I like to find the little roadside hole-in-the-wall places be they cafes, junk shops or something else and try them out. Found some of my best friends that way.

10. I have been nose to nose with a skunk at 4AM on a mountainside and was so charming I came away unsprayed.

The Next Ten

1. I can cook and do so very well.

2. I can be quite comical, though the authorities in Frankfort didn't it think of it that way at the time.

3. I played soccer internationally as a teenager and this was before most Americans knew what soccer was. I played in France for the town of Bafleur in Normandy.

4. I can take the right wing off a fly resting on a horse's tail from a mile away and not touch the rest of the fly or the horse's tail with a rifle.

5. I cannot/will not abide stupidity.

6. I like to swim at night.

7. I love tea ... all kinds of tea.

8. I have seen an orange woman naked ... and yes, I do mean orange.

9. I like flowers and gardening.

10. I will always defend the defenseless.

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