Monday, August 25, 2008

They ignored her cries for help

This is inexcusable. Self-centered, lazy, uncaring: all the things they have their well deserved reputation for ... these New York City dwellers need to be horsewhipped publicly!

Investigators say neighbors waited more than a half hour to call police after hearing a woman's screams for help as she was being stabbed to death at a New York City apartment.

Police found 21-year-old Ebony Garcia lying in a pool of blood at about 2:10 a.m Saturday.
She was stabbed about a dozen times and died two hours later at a local hospital.

Witnesses say neighbors ignored the woman's screams for more than 30 minutes before someone called the police.
One neighbor says she ignored the cries because she thought the victim had been drinking.

Police want to question Garcia's boyfriend.
She had obtained a restraining order against him.

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