Monday, September 1, 2008

As the noise machine sputters

I see the wing-nut noise machine is up and running this morning lying and distorting as usual.

What is so funny today is they are lying and distorting their own lies and distortions.

The disaster of picking Palin has sent them into a tailspin that they cannot get out of and the arrival of Gustav is 'stealing their thunder' from their klan gathering.

Anyone else see the irony here ...

All their talking heads are spewing and 'promising' to help any that are affected by Gustav instead of yelling that they deserved it because they were Liberals like they did when Katrina roared ashore and ignoring those who needed help and actually hindering help from those that did help.

If Gustav would have come ashore last week ... would they still be singing the same tune?

You know I am joking, right?

They would be singing the old tune from three years ago, blaming Liberals, gays, the neighbor's dog and anyone their handlers told them to but themselves for Gustav coming ashore.

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