Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cyber Attackers Beware

Just in case you were concerned ... the wing-nut cyber attacks on Carolina Naturally over the past few days have been throughly defeated and those that attempted the attacks are now dealing with the aftereffects of those foolish attempts.

To wit: Computers that won't boot up, automatic uploads and downloads of all kinds of 'interesting' stuff and ultimately their computers will simply implode and cease to function all together.

It's not nice to fool with us 'old school' computer people - we know the operating machine languages and the C++ crowd hasn't a clue!

Just have to tell their machines to perform a function that has no end ... Sorta like telling the kids you threw 100 pennies in the back yard and they aren't allowed to come in the house until they find all 100 pennies but you only threw out 99 pennies.

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