Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Desperate and Delusional

Just how desperate and delusional are the repugicans?

They are quite far off the deep end and their latest 'claims' only prove it all over again.

Did you know that all of the Media Icons we American have are repugicans?
Neither did I.
But that is what they are claiming.

First, just what and who are our media icons and what constitutes a 'media icon'?

They list John Wayne - granted he was a 'conservative', but in the true sense and was only a 'republican' like Teddy Roosevelt was, in name only ... his political views were close to the center and it was country first not party - however, John Wayne isn't a 'media icon'.

Then they devolve and dissolve into reveling the true depths of their delusions by continuing the list of repugican amerikkkan media icons with: Spiderman, Batman, Alfred (Batman's butler), Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny ... and list list goes on naming more cartoon characters.
Except for Superman.

I wonder what John Wayne feels about being n a list of cartoon characters.

But if all of your 'Icons' are cartoons - maybe the charge that you don't deal well with reality has merit and you should admit it and seek help.

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