Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Dumb Crook News

Oh, my head hurts ...

From the "They walk among us" Department:

Thousands of dollar bills stolen from a restaurant in California's high desert could not have been more clearly marked ...

The Homestead had a tradition of customers writing messages on the currency and hanging it on the walls.

Authorities say that didn't stop 34-year-old Donald Dejarnette from using some of the cash last week to pay for - of all things - a court fine.

Kern County sheriff's Sgt. Tyson Davis said a clerk immediately recognized the bills.

Some even had "Homestead" written on them.

Dejarnette and four others have been arrested on suspicion of taking $8,000 from the restaurant.

About $1,000 has been recovered.

The sheriff's department Tuesday didn't know whether any of the suspects has hired an attorney.

(Want to lay odds on some of that $7,000 still missing will be used to pay for these idiots' lawyers?)

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