Thursday, September 4, 2008

An Error of Comedic Proportions

Comedians just LOVE Palin ...

Vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin has many views. She says she's opposed to same-sex marriage. Did you know that? Yeah, Palin says everyone knows marriage isn't for gay people; it's for pregnant teenagers." --Conan O'brien

"Let me ask you a question: is it just me, or does Sarah Palin look like a model for Lenscrafters?" --David Letterman

"Earlier tonight, I don't know if you saw it, Sarah Palin gave a tremendous speech to the republicans, though some are claiming it was actually her daughter's speech." --David Letterman

"Hey, the republican convention is still going wild in scenic St. Paul, Minnesota right now. Alaska governor and vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin was the star speaker tonight. A lot of excitement. She promised a walrus in every igloo and a whale tooth in every papoose." --Jimmy Kimmel

"Governor Sarah Palin gave her speech tonight at the gop convention, and it gave people who didn't know anything about her the chance to finally meet her, you know, like John McCain." --Jay Leno

"We're learning more and more about governor Palin. Apparently her daughter's name is Juno." --Jay Leno

"The republican convention is under way. the theme for tonight's republican convention is, 'who is John McCain?' Tomorrow night's theme is, 'who forgot to check if the vice president's daughter is pregnant?'" --Conan O'brien

"And you've got to love this: Sarah Palin is an avid hunter. An avid hunter. A vice president who likes guns? Well, what could go wrong there?" --David Letterman

"Some people are saying that McCain picked Sarah Palin to appeal to women who supported Hillary Clinton. This is crazy. You can't just replace Hillary Clinton with another woman. Bill tried that, it didn't work out." --Craig Ferguson

"John McCain's vp pick is the governor of Alaska, a unknown hockey mom named Sarah Palin that no one ever heard of. The only other job she had in politics was the mayor of a small town known as Wasilla, Alaska, and now she has the opportunity to be on a ticket opposite of Barack Obama, the first black man she's ever seen." –Bill Maher

"Are you kidding me, the mayor of Wasilla, Alaska? Yeah, that's who you want in the White House during a time of crisis. When she got a phone call at 3 in the morning, it was because a moose had gotten in the garbage can." –Bill Maher

"When they were vetting her for this job, like three seconds ago, she said, quote, I'm not making this up, 'what is it exactly that the vp does every day?' Let me field that for you, Sarah. they start wars, they enrich their friends, they subvert the constitution, and they shoot people in the face. that's what the vice president does." –Bill Maher

"And McCain felt what this nation really needs now is a vice president who looks like Tina Fey." --David Letterman

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