Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Freaky Friday

There have been some strange things happen in this world and this political campaign has it's share.

Gordon Smith over @ ScrutinyHooligans said it well when he said:

"I just saw a McCain/Palin ad claiming that Barack Obama is “more of the same” and that McCain will bring “change”.

The McCain folks are really going to try to pull a Freaky Friday and turn McCain into Obama and Obama into McCain. McCain is the change candidate? That’s absurd on its face. Obama is more of the same? If “the same” were sane foreign policy, true energy independence, affordable health care for every American, and tax cuts for the middle class, then McCain would be right.

But the fact is that he’s simply lying and expecting that folks won’t notice. It’s one of the most bizarre things I’ve ever seen."


Try as I might I cannot fathom how stupid the repugicans think Americans are?! Even though as a whole Americans have a stupid gene that rears its ugly head every so often and they do idiotic things like vote for Raygun ... TWICE!

Want to read more of what Gordon has to say? Then check out

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