Thursday, September 4, 2008

McPain: I will 'fight for your future'

And the lies continue ...

"I will fight for your future" said McPain.

And just who's future will he fight for? Thus far he has 'fought' for naught save his own and the very few of the wealthiest of the wealthiest - and done a crappy job of it in the bargain.

Before you n'er-do-wells spout off you should know I am one of those wealthiest and I loath the buffoon and he has never done a damned thing for me. I also happen to be a Marine of the same era and I was never stupid enough to get myself captured despite being 'north of the DMZ' more than south of it - so his POW 'status' means zilch to me (and to all other self respecting soldiers who served without being idiots and allowing themselves to be captured.)

The speech was nothing but a empty space, a vacuum that even the hot air he was blowing could not fill.
The same tired old dog and pony show with smoke and mirrors is what we saw tonight.
I was less impressed than I was last night and I wasn't impressed last night.

It will come as a shock to some troglodytes perverting an old forum I used to be on that I even watched the speeches, but as they are troglodytes so someone with an open mind and the Cajones to stand up to them always shocks them ... and what they never learned was that mine are platinum coated hardened steel and I have a working brain to go along with them.

As Peggy Noonan said, "It's over!"

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