Tuesday, September 30, 2008

No Carte Blanche, No Bailout

The House repugicans voted down the Bailout yesterday because it did not give Carte Blanche to the shrub and the cabal with no accountability something the Democratcs will never allow.

We the taxpayers are tired of and will not pay for the "right-wing ideology of anything goes, no supervision, no discipline, no regulation" of financial markets, as put by Pelosi.

What is amazing is that voting down the Bailout is the right thing to do but the repugicans did it for the wrong reasons.

The Bailout as proposed by the cabal would suffer the same fate from the Democrats but there it would be for the right reasons.

The thieves that caused the problem should have to pay the cost of fixing it - not the taxpayers.
They should go Bankrupt like they have forced many taxpayers to do.

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