Monday, September 22, 2008

Obama Unharmed by Rabid Chihuahua Attack

DETROIT, MICHIGAN- During a campaign event over the weekend, Presidential candidate Barack Obama found himself distracted by an odd tugging at his pant leg. He looked down and discovered a tiny chihuahua ferociously chewing on his ankle.

Instinctively, his aides rushed in to whisk the Senator off to the nearest emergency room, but in the end this proved to be unnecessary. For all its growling and gnashing of teeth, the animal had failed to break the skin. As a matter of fact, Obama suffered no discernible injury whatsoever other than an uncomfortable moist and slightly sticky sensation. He was so nonchalant about the so-called attack that he didn't even bother to remove the thing as it continued to munch on him.

Read the rest here.

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