Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Palin is just another hypocrite ... Surprised?

Palin is just another hypocrite is what the headline of several news articles and blog entries is.

My question ... Is this any surprise to anyone?

Palin an avid and outspoken abstinence only crowd ranter has a 17 year-old daughter knocked up (five months gone) ... here again any surprise there?

Those stupid enough to believe that abstinence only bull-hockey in lieu of education about sex and some of the things can my happen due to having sex frequently find their beliefs are in error.

And the children of such idiots are the most likely to suffer from that error.

Just like the preacher's son/daughter is the wildest child on the block so are these children of abstinence.

But, this really is a non-issue.

Palin is a hypocrite there is no doubt, it is just the list of her hypocrisies is so expansive and extensive this 'issue' is hardly worth a mention.

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