Friday, September 19, 2008

Palin Lies - Numbers Don't

Sarah Palin by the Numbers
Sarah Palin may lie, but numbers don't

by Dan Kurtzman


2007: the year in which Sarah Palin first obtained a passport

312: the number of nights during her first 19 months in office that Palin charged taxpayers
a "per diem" totaling $16,951 for staying in her own home -- an allowance intended to
cover meals and incidental expenses while traveling on state business

$500 to $1,200: the fee that Wasilla charged rape victims to pay for post-sexual assault
medical exams, after the city cut funds during Palin's tenure that had previously covered the exams

$150: the cash payment offered by the Palin administration to hunters
who turn in legs of freshly killed wolves gunned down from airplanes

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