Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Palin's Lies ... so far

Palin's lies so far!
Let's count them shall we!

Lie #1) Was against the "Bridge to nowhere" - When in fact she campaigned for governor on a pro-bridge platform, lobbied for it, fought against its cancellation, and then kept the money once it was cancelled.

Lie #2) Fights against earmarks -When in fact as mayor of Wasilla she hired lobbyists to gather earmarks for her tiny town, which received $27 million in just 3 years - the per capita record in America.

Lie #3) She "sold the state's luxury jet on eBay" (at a profit! adds McCain) - it was listed on eBay, but did not sell. She turned it over to a broker who sold it at a $600,000 loss to a Palin contributor.

Lie #4) To the dismay of her kids she fired the state provided chef that cooked for them. - When in fact she merely reassigned the chef to a different position, a change of title, but she continued to cook for the Palin's.

Lie #5) She has fought against high taxes. - When in fact she raised taxes. Alaska has the 4th highest per capita taxes of any state in the USA.

Lie #6) She is a reformer who slashes government spending - When in fact, both as Mayor and Governor Palin has exploded government spending - despite setting a per capita record of well over $3000 in federal earmarks per resident in Wasilla she left the town $20 million in debt. The state of Alaska ranks #1 in spending per capita - more than double the national average. A big part of that is the $3200 'rebate' the state sends to each citizen every year (which also accounts for Palin's popularity - she increased it from a mere $2000 per year). Yet despite the fact that Alaska is awash in oil money, it ranks #1 in federal money spent in the state per resident.

While this not exactly a campaign lie, it is a new outrage:
Palin collected nearly $17,000 in per diems from the state of Alaska for 312 nights spent in her own home.
Amazingly enough, in Alaska this may not be illegal?!
Now imagine what the McCain campaign and the press would say if Obama did this for even a single night.

Well, at least these "Lies" are entertaining:

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