Sunday, September 14, 2008

A reader responds

In response to my post Mexican Prisoners Rioting:
deissy sanchez said...

Please help
i've got two uncles in there
We recieved a Devastating
call from My uncle himself
who's trapped.
Many have died due to the raging fired

I do not know what I can do personally from here except to let the world know what is going on as far as we can tell - there is always more to the story.

What the cause(s) of the prisoners rioting I am not even hazarding a guess but with some saying a few are injured and some saying others have been killed something has gone terribly wrong.

I have friends in Mexico - a few with some pull. I will give them a call and suggest they or someone they know look into what is going on in Tiajuana. What good if any it will do, I cannot say.

So, Deissy, know that we in the blogosphere and the real world are paying attention and that we will do what we can to help.

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