Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Stupid or crazy - both actually

Eagle Forum Alaska sent a questionnaire to Alaska’s gubernatorial candidates. Sarah Palin gave the following responses:

On the right to choose:

SP: I am pro-life. With the exception of a doctor’s determination that the mother’s life would end if the pregnancy continued. I believe that no matter what mistakes we make as a society, we cannot condone ending an innocent’s life.

On abstinence education vs. sex education:

SP: Yes, the explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support.

On hate crimes legislation protecting minorities:

SP: No, as I believe all heinous crime is based on hate.

On spousal benefits for same-sex couples:

SP: No, I believe spousal benefits are reserved for married citizens as defined in our constitution.

“Are you offended by the phrase “Under God” in the Pledge of Allegiance? Why or why not?”:

SP: Not on your life. If it was good enough for the founding fathers, its good enough for me and I’ll fight in defense of our Pledge of Allegiance.


All women have the right of choice even Sarah Palin and she made it but she wants to deny other women that right - typical of one who is delusional.

Willful ignorance equates to stupidity and not knowing about sex can kill you and that is what she wants - you not to know about sex.

Protecting minorities ... okay here is something that she has a point about, granted it isn't a good one but it still holds true - if all are protected then there is no need for special protections for minorities, ah, but the rub is all are not protected.

Benefits for same-sex couples - you bet, they should have the same benefits as the rest of us and by the same token the same burdens as well.

The Founding Fathers are spinning in their graves at the wing-nut fundamentalists attempts to rewrite history to fit their absurd fantasies.
The Pledge was not written by the founding fathers in fact all of them had been dead many years before it was written.
But it is not the Pledge that Palin is referring to (remember that rewriting of history thing of theirs), it is the 'under god' insertion into the Pledge from the 1950s that she she harping on.
I am sure the founding fathers of 1776 were all there for that in the 1950s - hell, the youngest of them would barely be 200 years old then.

Oh, and as an aside, did you know the word 'fundament' the root for fundamental, literally means asshole - the actual hole itself ... kind of an appropriate term for those called and claiming themselves to be such, don't you think?!

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