Friday, September 12, 2008

'Take a Child Outside' week gains ground

A large group of well-meaning officials from several states have a message for you and your family: Go take a hike.

They're urging moms and dads to take their kids away from the television and go outside for some fresh air as part of "Take a Child Outside" week from Sept. 24-30.

The special week began last year in North Carolina, and has now spread throughout much of the U.S.

About 250 organizations in the U.S. and Canada are taking part this year.

The only question is: Do children really need a themed week to encourage them to play outside?

If so, then you know we are in a pathetic shape as a nation - and the way it looks ... we are in a pathetic shape as a nation.

And no, I do not mean just physically, I mean the over all well-being and the actual need to get the kids out of the house to play and just be a kid.

Back in the day it was the opposite problem - getting us to come into the house was a monumental task.

Times have sure changed.

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