Saturday, September 20, 2008

Ten fire-safety tips for homeowners

1. Stack woodpiles at least 30 feet from any structure.

2. Locate LPG tanks at least 30 feet from any structure; maintain 10 feet of clear space around tanks.

3. Keep the following tools ready and handy: a round point shovel with a long handle, a rake with a long handle, a ladder tall enough to reach the roof, one or more 5-pound fire extinguishers, at least one bucket, a garbage can full of water with a bailing bucket.

4. Keep driveway clear and accessible to fire engines. Remember, they are twice as big as a car.

5. Make sure your number is clearly visible from the road. Use four- to six-inch reflective numbers to mark your address.

6. Locate all fire hydrants in your neighborhood.

7. Never prune near power lines. Call your local utility company first.

8. Landscape with fire resistant plants.

9. Maintain all plants by regular watering and by removing dead branches, leaves and needles.

10. Landscaping should be spaced so that fire has no clear path to burn up to the house or nearby plantings.

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