Sunday, September 7, 2008

They have got to be joking ...

They have got to be joking ...

Rick Davis, campaign manager for senator John McPain, r-Arizona, just told faux news channel's Chris Wallace that McPain running mate governor Sarah Palin won't subject herself to any tough questions from reporters "until the point in time when she'll be treated with respect and deference." - from abc

This? From the muckraking, racial slurring, lying, sniveling repugicans!
Need evidence? Look here. (not that those who need it will).

As I have said before on many forums and been called hateful names for it ... They can dish it out but they sure as hell can't take it.

And the 'liberal' media (which is anything but) has been too hard on poor Palin?

Okay, tell me another one, this has me balling my eyes out and holding my gut from the gales of laughter.

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