Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wine critic Parker facing defamation charges

A Paris investigating judge has filed preliminary charges against influential American wine critic Robert M. Parker for alleged defamation against a former assistant, judicial officials said Wednesday.

The judge is looking into a lawsuit brought by Parker's former assistant Hanna Agostini, who broke with the critic and co-authored a book in France with a title that translates as "Robert Parker: Anatomy of a Myth."

Agostini, who brought the case last year, herself faces preliminary charges in Bordeaux involving alleged forgery in a wine-trafficking affair centering on Belgian wine trader Geens.

She denies the allegations.

The charges were filed Friday against Parker for writing on his Internet site that Agostini "could end up stagnating in prison," and for misrepresenting the penalties that she faces, the officials said on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak publicly about the matter.

Parker's lawyer said the critic declined comment about the case.

He was fined $2,820 by a Paris court in March for violating Agostini's presumption of innocence.

"Parker's Wine Buyer's Guide" is a well-known reference book, and his recommendations can make or break winemakers.

His publication, the Wine Advocate, assigns scores of up to 100 points to the wines it samples.

He has been called the most powerful critic in the world.

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