Sunday, September 7, 2008

Wrong Acronym

A Special repugican Family Values Edition of Around the Internet

If this is a MILF as some are calling it, they don't know what a MILF is.

(For those who do not know what the acronym MILF stands for, it is (a) Mother I'd Like (to) F -know biblically.)

The survival as a species depends on my 'knowing biblically' this - we ain't going to survive as a species.

This is not a MILF, this is a WHORE and a two-bit one at that!

(For all you who don't know what 'two-bits' are - it is a quarter)

Come to think of it she isn't worth that much.

For those concerned by the use of the acronym WHORE it stands for






Although the meaning you most likely assumed works as well.

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