Tuesday, October 21, 2008

'Battleground States' going for Obama

The latest on the "Battleground States" show Obama with a good and growing lead in all of them:
State EV's Obama % McCain % Margin # Polls
Colorado 9 50.5% 46.0% +4.5% 2
Florida 27 48.2% 44.8% +3.4% 6
Missouri 11 48.0% 46.7% +1.3% 3
Nevada 5 49.5% 45.5% +4.0% 2
North Carolina 15 48.3% 44.7% +3.6% 3
Ohio 20 48.8% 45.5% +3.3% 4
Virginia 13 51.8% 43.8% +8.0% 4

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