Friday, October 10, 2008

'Do Nothing..."

A point of order ...

The repugicans are howling about the 'do nothing Democrats in control of congress' as a election stunt to attempt to fool the American people (Hint: it's not working).

Its only been in the last year and a half that the Democrats have had a majority in Congress.

But only razor's edge on in the Senate where the Republicans have blocked nearly every single bill except a very few 'must pass' bills - filibustering nearly 100 times - a world record ... just as we said they would after the 2006 elections where they lost their majority due to their greed, corruption, scandals and just plain unfitness for the job.

Their plan to stall until this election cycle has ruined the nation and literally the world economically and it has backfired on them in that they will loose even more 'seats' in congress as a result.

We have always known repugicans aren't very bright - they have just removed any doubt anyone may have harbored in the back of their mind in the last year and a half.

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