Friday, October 31, 2008

From my book 'Through Different Eyes'

Circa 2525

The room moved Slowly about casting images long and short.
My senses were at a standstill.
The old mill spoke to me with a whisper barely heard telling me of times past.
Times of hunger
Times of peace.
Times of war.
Times of learning.

Shadows of people long dead danced on the walls as the cool dark mist of the swamp moved into the room.
The glaring eyes of the mill looked inward at me shining in an eerie light of a hue unknown to mortal man.
The loft above me was alive with creatures of a thousand breeds unknown to me watching every move I made.
The stairs cried as my foot touched them, since on one had mounted them is a hundred centuries passed.
The land around the mill was rich with many strange flowers growing to many different heights.
Soaring creatures flew into my sight as the haze of the sun set to rest.
The wind called to me to leave the mill and return to my home.

As we left in our ship I asked my friend what planet we were just on.
He said, " It was a planet that died so many years ago and that life was coming back to the land."
"But, what is it's name?" I asked.
"Earth." He said.

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