Monday, October 13, 2008

Good Point

Jim Yeager posted this over at Skippy the bush kangaroo ... and it really is a Good Point.

By Jim Yeager

Good Point...

Robert Parry thinks that if anyone ought to be angry these days, it's not those McCain-Palin supporters who seem all too itching to get their lynch mob on, it's the people who voted for Al Gore eight years ago:

...many of those Americans not only had their vote effectively nullified -- and their political judgment ignored -- but they have suffered real economic damage. some are out of work while others are opening statements on their retirement funds this month to find they have lost much of their life savings.

Yet, these Americans have been relatively restrained. They aren't going to rallies and shouting death threats about the republican ticket. nor are Barack Obama and Joe Biden whipping up crowds with accusations that their opponents are disloyal.

No, the anger is disproportionately among the republicans. Mccain and Palin have turned their rallies -- starting with the republican national convention through joint appearances this past week -- into anti-Obama hate-fests, leading to taunts of "terrorist," "socialist," "traitor" -- as well as racial epithets, the repeated invocation of his middle name "Hussein," and suggestions on how to eliminate him...

There's just nothing anyone can do about the way these people "think" (and those quote marks really do have to be there). their kind has been among us since the puritans reached Plymouth, and they always will be among us. Had the republican party not started making overtures to them forty-odd years ago, maybe they'd still be on the fringes of our society, where they belong, today, or their baser instincts would remain largely subdued.

Of course, it didn't help any that the gop went out of its way to tear apart our manufacturing base at the same time -- a lot of these hysterics and numbskulls at those McCain rallies might have had decent-paying jobs today, and be that less inclined to act like rabid animals in public.

But these are republicans. For decades, if something has smacked of progress, then the republicans have tried to stand in its way. You name it, they've tried to obstruct it -- Social Security, Medicare, clean food and water, people who aren't white being allowed to vote, environmental protection, corporate regulation, and so on. so what better allies in their quest for power could they have asked for than the most reactionary elements in our country?

Tactically, it was a brilliant move, no question. we wouldn't have had to endure eight years of Reagan and later eight more of a
wol without it.
Trouble for the gop is, a majority of Americans planning to vote in a few weeks seem to have figured that out. Maybe the ongoing economic meltdown has much to do with it, too.

Or maybe...
maybe... most of us are just tired of -- and just capable enough of grasping reason to be tired of -- hearing republicans falsely cry wolf over and over again year after year when we've got serious concerns to attend to. Maybe...

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