Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hate and Bile

Caution: reading further will turn your stomach - unless your are a repugican!


I was reading the 'letters to the editor' section of the Asheville-Citizen Times on-line Topix and there was a piece about Obama taking time to visit his grandmother in Hawaii who he said he said might not live until election day.

In lieu of expressions of well wishes and hopes for her recovery the wing-nuts are attacking and spewing hate and some of the 'comments' from the troglodytes is sickening.

Here are some examples of the foulness:

Frustrated said ... I was reading this morning that someone has a tape of his grandmother saying he was born in Kenya - not Hawaii. The tape is going to be released in two or three days. Won't that be interesting?

Onofriendofwomen said ... Looks like Obama is trying to use the sucker sympathy vote. He threw grandma under the bus months ago for his own political gain and now he's using her impending death for political gain as well.

There are more and some responding to their bile and hate with more hate and bile, but some calling them on it.
If you want to read and see just how hate-filled the wing-nuts are you can find it here, just have your barf bag ready.

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