She is developmentally challenged to say the least!
Her 83 full scale Wechsler I.Q. reported in her Wasilla High School records was labeled Dull Normal at that time.
In fact, 83 was just slightly above the range labeled Borderline Retarded (which is 70-80 I.Q.).
Her SAT scores were also similarly deficient,thus serving to confirm her sub-normal I.Q.
None of the above comes as a surprise.
Having been in the psychological field for many years and hearing her speak, I must say I find the numbers a bit high. Tests run today would reveal a substantially lower score than 83.
Both the SAT scores and IQ test are exposed hoaxes.
And even if those scores were real (which they are not) it would be impossible for someone with an 83 IQ (mildly retarded range) to achieve that high a score on the SATs.