Monday, October 20, 2008

Mac Duff opts for Obama

Just so you know how bad it is for McPain - even our dog thinks he's full of shit or covered with it at least!

This morning I placed an 8X10 of each - Obama and McPain on the floor out on the porch and told Mac Duff to go and bring me the one he liked when we were in the house.
He bolted out the door and instantly came back in with the picture of Obama and was bouncing excitedly around the room.
I went out to retrieve the picture of McPain and found that Mac Duff had 'relieved himself of all his burdens' on it because it was covered by the biggest pile of doggie-do I have seen him produce to date and it centered square between McPain's eyes.
I didn't think he was out there on the porch alone long enough to leave such a statement, but I was obviously in error.

So there you have it folks - even the animals of America are backing Obama and crapping on McPain.
And you know animals are better judges of character than most people are ... so it is saying something when most people and the animals are in agreement!

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