Monday, October 6, 2008

McPain Supports Terrorists Rights To Buy Guns In US

McPain supports the rights of terrorists to buy guns. He supported the 'Mayors Against Illegal Gun Violence', and in 2000 appeared in commercials calling for the 'gun show loophole' to be closed.

He is now silent on this issue. (to bad for him we're not)

A manual titled, "How Can I Train Myself for Jihad" was found among the rubble at a training facility for a radical Pakistan-based Islamic terrorist organization. The manual contains a chapter on "Firearms Training" and singles out the US for its easy availability of firearms and states that al-Qaeda members in the US can "obtain an assault weapon legally, preferably AK-47 or variations". In Texas, Muhammad Asrar was arrested in an investigation of the Sept. 11 attacks. He pleaded guilty to immigration violations and illegal possession of ammunition. The Pakistani store owner said he had bought handguns, rifles and a submachine gun at gun shows since 1994. On September 10, 2001, just one day before the devastating attacks against the United States, Ali Boumelhem was convicted on a variety of weapons violations plus conspiracy to ship weapons to the terrorist organization Hezbollah in Lebanon. He and his brother Mohamed had purchased an arsenal of shotguns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, flash suppressors and assault weapons parts from Michigan gun shows without undergoing background checks.
Those who are so infantile to call for no regulations on guns are just supporting terrorists. They need to grow up and admit that gun control is necessary and realize that gun control is not the same thing as banning guns!

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