Monday, October 13, 2008

Second out-of-state teen abanonded at a Nebraska hospital

Nebraska officials say another teenager from outside the state has been left at an Omaha hospital under the state's safe haven law.

Todd Landry with the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services says a 13-year-old Michigan boy was left at Creighton University Medical Center Monday morning.

This is the second time since law went into effect in July that a child from outside the state has been left at a hospital in Nebraska.

To date, 18 children between the ages of 1 and 17 have been abandoned.Last week, a 14-year-old girl from Iowa was left at an Omaha hospital by her grandparents.

She has since been returned to her family.

Nebraska's unique safe-haven law allows children as old as 18 to be abandoned without fear of prosecution.


OK, I understand the intent here but I fail to see where the next step in logic wasn't taken by those that enacted this law.
The intent was and is noble, however, the failure to dot all "I's" and cross all "T's" is allowing abuse to spread rapidly.

Dealing with a 'rebellious teen' is a part of life so get over it and on with it.
Dropping them off at a Nebraska hospital isn't an option no matter what the 'law' in Nebraska says.

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