Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This election cycle

Gordon Smith had this to say today over at Scrutiny Hooligans about the atmosphere around the Asheville, North Carolina area this election cycle ...

"Full applause and genuflection to everyone who’s been out there registering voters. The Obama team, MoveOn, Buncombe County Democratic Party, and all the folks I don’t know diddly about have been out there making it happen. A 9% increase in voter registration?!?! Since February?!?! Absolutely amazing.

The local Republicans are wandering a static wilderness, caught between equally powerless factions, hovering in a power vacuum, and it’s going to be years before they get their acts together to do anything approaching what’s been accomplished by Democrats this election cycle."

What makes this statement relevant outside of the immediate Asheville area is that it could almost be said verbatim by anyone in any area of the country right now.

Now as to how many years it will take them to get their act together - I for one am looking at decades before the repugicans are even approaching the status of a viable political party.
They have always been a 'third party' party who have through machinations of all types attempted to rig and steal every election they have been in since the mid-1800s.
They have never had the numbers to win outright and the numbers have held pretty much constant from the beginning so that if every registered repugican voted the party line while only one-third of the Democrats voted the party line and no other votes were cast the repugicans would lose and lose by a landslide.
The only hope they have ever had has been to mislead, misinform, beguile, distract, divert and any means of suppressing the vote they think they can get away with.

This time, T'aint working McGee.

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