Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tis a wedding ...

I presided over a wedding today for two friends I have known for a lot of years. In fact the bride was a very young looking 14 year-old (she looked ten if a day) when I met her ten years ago.
Having watched her grow up I was a bit shocked to see her getting married ... and I was pronouncing the marriage and signing the paperwork.

The site at Morrow Mountain State Park was wonderful and it warmed up just in time for the ceremony. The couple met at the RenFaire (both are on the professional circuit now) and the rest of us knew they'd be married years ago - she did as well but it took the groom a bit longer to realize it - so quite a few of we fellow RenFaire performers attended the wedding.

If you know anything about RenFaire performers you would not recognize us this day we actually could have passed to a group of bankers - so we really are good actors.

But the couple radiated as all couples do on their wedding day and all had a great time. And yes, there was one element to the day that showed we weren't really bankers - the pumpkin craving.
You read that correct ... pumpkin carving ... the couple had pumpkins for all guests to crave as they wished to take home.

I wish them well in their life together.

But dammnit, she is still that little 14 year old dressed in a tattered jester's costume with mud smudged on her face I first met!

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