Tuesday, October 21, 2008

What they are saying

Here are a few of the comments from the inbox:

Awesome blog, Dude! - Charles in Los Angeles, CA

Wow, what a place. - Stefanie in Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario

Willow wand or cudgel, whatever it takes to get their attention. - Mack in Mooresville, NC

I find the jokes very subtle and the science news is wonderful. - Andie in Oshkosh, WI

Great job! - Hans in Berlin, Germany

I love you - Connie in Homestead, FL
(Ok, Connie but the Mrs., and the girlfriend have dibs)

And now some of the inane rantings of those forever anonymous Haters:

Sarah is GOD and you better leave her alone!
(Might be god/the gods has something to say about that one)

McCain is a war hero and that is all that matters
(Might want to fact check that one ... last time I looked collaborators with the enemy weren't listed under the definition of 'hero')

You suck!
(First of all, learn to spell - there are three letters in the word 'You' and the letter 'C' is to be found in the word 'suCk'. Then specify exactly what you are referencing to with your 'statement')

God hates Commies!
(Stuck in a time-warp I see)

(Editors Note: I corrected the misspellings in the above ... not only are they scared to leave their name they are illiterate to boot.)

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