Monday, October 27, 2008

White Supremacists Plotted to Assasinate Obama, Behead Black Children

White supremacist terrorism persists in America: Two neo-nazi skinheads planned to assassinate Barack Obama and shoot or behead 88 black people, but their plot was thwarted by a federal investigation. In the photo below: Daniel Cowart, 20, of Tennessee vamps for a MySpace vanity snapshot with one of the guns seized by ATF agents. His plot partner, also arrested: Paul Schlesselman 18, an Arkansas native.

From the New York Ttimes:
The assassination was to be the culmination of a “killing spree” that would also single out children at an unnamed, predominately black school, federal officials said. The men talked of “killing 88 people and beheading 14 African-Americans,” according to the affidavit.

The two men each had “very strong views” about Aryan white power and “skinhead” ideology, the federal officials said, and the numbers 88 and 14 have special significance in the white power movement. The number 88 is shorthand for “Heil Hitler” — H is the eighth letter in the alphabet —and 14 signifies a 14-word mantra among white supremacists: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.”

Officials said the two men met via the Internet through a mutual friend.

Crap like this makes me ashamed to be a man. Actually, not ashamed more than a little PISSED OFF is a better description.

Plotting to kill a man and children is the act of a coward but doing so because of the color of their skin is beyond reprehensible.
And with the look of the moron in the photo, I could make him piss and soil himself just by saying 'boo'.
It is no wonder the ladies lament that there aren't many real men out there - with examples like these two ignorant assholes.

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