Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Zero out of three with one to go

Third debate and team McPain/Pale-lyn is 0 for 3.

Last night's debate was not a barn burner for either campaign but Obama did do what he had to.
He presented his views and visions for our nation in a coherent manner albeit some points were not as sharp as they could have been.
Mcpain - even according to his own party's analysts - did not do what he had to do ... win the debate running away ... he lost it while not presenting his views and visions for our country in a coherent manner.
Granted he was less snarky this time but still out of touch and could not string together two thoughts on the same question in a row the entire night.
It was like watching a child lost in the wilderness.
It is getting to the point where I don't know who is more pathetic, McPain or Pale-lyn.

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