Friday, November 7, 2008

Carolina Blue ... despite what the Haters howl

What to know a dirty little secret?!

Here it is, the picture that Republicans do not want you to see.

A sea of blue in North Carolina for Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
President and Vice-President

But, wait, it gets dirtier.

Here is what one of our tightest state-wide wins looked like, Bev Perdue for Governor.
Bev Perdue for Governor

From there, it just gets dirtier and dirtier.

Our new US Senator, Kay Hagan.
Kay Hagan for Senate

And, finally, do you want to see the future?

Do you want to see the next Democratic Senator from North Carolina?

His name is Roy Cooper and THIS is what his map looked like when we woke up on Wednesday, November 5th.
Attorney General Roy Cooper

Roy Cooper
So hop on board the Cooper for Senate bandwagon.

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