Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I don't know about you, but I can't wait to hear he excuses the repugicans will be spouting off as to why they lost the election.

One of the most idiotic has already been uttered right here in North Carolina where Liddy Dole blamed Democrats for funding 'attack ads' so vile and mean against her.

She who ran the most egregious and most vile 'attack ad' of them all (and we do mean 'them all' - nationwide from every campaign) against our senator Kay Hagan ... calling her "godless" manipulating a female voice to sound like Mrs., Hagan while her picture was on screen to say "There is no god."?!

And she is whining about 'attack ads'?!!!!

She lost because she pissed off the real powers that be in North Carolina and the rest of the state as well by being a true 'do nothing' congressman!

So what are your local repugicans mouthing off about as to excuses?

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