Saturday, November 15, 2008

Free Form Ramble

Sitting here contemplating nothing ... literally.

The brain is numb.
Quiet now, the birds are asleep.
So, I thought a free flow of thoughts is in order.

(some of my best works have come from the free flow)

Here goes nothing ...

Blue glass

Trail mix and Fritos

Bare the skin glows
Glitter floating about their heads

Pack up the kids, I've got that old traveling bone
Atomic Fire Balls and other inuendos

Crystal radio
Along the shore as the lone gull cries

Can you hear the sizzle
Easy east of town when no one is around
Telephone line to the future

Echoes in the trees
Etheral forest mist shines the One Soul

Living with rodents
Saladin and Bon Homme Richard
The Efreet dances free

Cupcakes and mudpies make the world fade away

Twixt and between all is cut in twain

You can't run with your knickers down

Silver granite in the blink of a haint's eye

Kudos and kinks in the uneven path

Ebony glass bead, a Dragon's eye

Bottled in the cavern the hermit dies

Pteradactyls with fairies wings

Dancing on the point of a knife
Imagine, as the worm crawls

Bask in the glory of quim's fragrant flower
Red sky in the rear view mirror

Sleep come to the weary

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