Saturday, November 29, 2008

How The Grinch Stole Health Care

From The Progressive Puppy in their piece How The Grinch Stole Health Care we learn that the shrub and the cabal have put the screw to the poor yet again. In effect saying 'just go ahead and die'.

Low-income Americans who depend on medicaid will soon face higher co-payments for doctors’ services, hospital care and prescription drugs, thanks to a new federal rule by the Bush administration. enacted as a money-saving measure, the rule will allow states to deny care or coverage to patients who can't afford their premiums or their share of the cost for a particular item or service. The administration concedes that this will cause our nation's poor to forgo medical treatment rather than pay the more expensive cost-sharing obligations. (which is, of course, the whole idea behind the rule.)

The gall never ends! We can hope this is fixed shortly after January 20th of 2009.

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