Thursday, November 6, 2008

It didn't take long

Yesterday morning I mused on the eerie silence of the wing-nuts on the open forums I read and felt that it was only sadly temporary.
I was correct by late yesterday and into the evening and this morning they were back at it and just as vile and hate filled as ever.
However the responses to them have been more congenial than recently now that America has asserted herself again.

The best one so far in turns of conciseness and politeness I have seen so far actually was sent to me via email from a friend.
The quote sent was:
"Bye-bye, history is moving on and leaving you behind!"

It is so very true history is leaving the wing-nuts behind where they will wither and die on the dung heap of their own making.
Unfortunately they will get more shrill and more vile before they are gone, but knowing that we can ignore them all the more.

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