Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's a little early don't ya think

Es así no un poco temprano ser jugando musica de Navidad por el teinda orador?

I stopped by a local C-Store today and shocked the clerks behind the counter when I uttered the sentence above - The Little Drummer Boy was playing over the speakers and it is only Veteran's day!

You see the clerks were Hispanic and like most every Hispanic you come across they assume you cannot speak their language and these two were chatterboxes going on about the older one's boyfriend ... that is until I spoke to them in Spanish - then you could have heard sweat, it was so quiet.

I did not get an answer to my question all I got was a 'oh shit' smile and a deer in the headlight look from both of them as I paid for my soda and left. I didn't even get the 'Thank you come again' line.

Now, it is well known that most Americans can't speak their own language much less another but the utter shock I get from anyone not a native American-English speaker is getting a bit tiresome. So how about folks ... learn a new language why don't ya.

And I still think it is too early to be playing xmas music over the store speakers!

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