Saturday, November 15, 2008

Latissimus dorsi

Latissimus dorsi

Them's fancy words for the large muscle in the back.

In all my years of sports, soldiering, work, play and living in general I have never have it 'catch' like it did last night.
I haven't been to sleep since 0430 yesterday morning, even a bullet didn't hurt as much as my back did last night for no good reason.

Went to the family doctor and when I got there they had pulled the Mrs., chart - you know the one that takes a forklift to lift and is thicker that
War and Peace ... in Russian ... in Braille and that's just Volume One of it - instead of mine - the one that a slight breeze would blow away.
I don't make it to the doctor all that much - and had to wait while they went to the lower vault to look under the mountain of dust and cobwebs there to find it ... like I said I don't make it to the doctor all that much because I am rarely ill, but when I am ... I am!

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