Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Let there be a 'resistance'

You want to talk about Nazis and Fascists and the neo-con wing-nuts denial that they are just that ... well take a gander at this:
Having lost their minds long ago and now losing an election that they could not steal/suppress/disenfranchise enough votes to 'win' the Haters are whining all the more and calling for formation of a "resistance" movement to the will of the people of the United States.

No further proof is needed as to their un-American-ness ... however I am sure they will keep providing more - they always do.

They call for resistance - resistance to what exactly?

Democracy - that's a given, they never want a Democracy, they want a theocracy with them as sole/soul arbiters of everything.

A non-'White' man as the leader - that too is a given ... something they made very loudly and starkly obvious during the campaign.

The Rule of Law - again a given ... as they have shown the world for the last eight years.

Economic Equability - also given ... something that is so abhorrent to them that they steal from the poor to give to the rich while raising taxes on the poor and middle class the most they have ever been raised in history all the while screaming it is the 'other' guys who raise taxes.

Education - given ... they do not want an educated and informed populous - they could not function as they pleased with a populous that had functioning brains (as evidenced by their election loss).

I could go on, but my fingers are tired of typing.

Suffice to say they are all about resistance to everything that America stands for no matter what they try and claim.

Americans stood up for what America stands for on November 4, 2008 and told them to go away - and they did/do not like it ... not one bit.

Facile, puerile, morally bankrupt and immaterial are the best terms to describe them and their dogmatic ideology along with infantile, immature, putrid and hate-filled ... and we might as well toss in bucolic, vile, ignorant and insane for good measure.

So yes, let there be a resistance - a resistance to the Hate of the resisters!
The rest of us and the world will move forward and leave the resisters even further out in the cold.

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