Sunday, November 9, 2008

Mac Duff is a very talented dog

Mac Duff is a very talented dog.
Just don't call him a dog - he thinks he's human.

His newest talent in his cadre is 'opening cabinets' ... doors in general to be exact.
He knows where we keep his food at and will open the door when he is hungry and get his bowl and push it up the the cabinet and then tap on it loudly to say 'hey, feed me'.

Now I know a lot of you out there have dogs that do the same or similar so no biggie right.
Well you are right it is no real biggie but his talent for answering the phone is.

He will take the phone off the hook when it rings and listen to whomever is on the other end ... if it is a friend he barks once to say 'hang on' and comes and gets one of us.
But if it is a telemarketer he barks incessantly into the phone (very loudly, too) until they hang up - he is such a good dog.
He began answering the phone about two years ago on his own, out of the blue and began his routine as I described instantly - we haven't been bothered by too many telemarketers since.
He knows who are our friends and good people are in general so telemarketers beware.

And the recent election calls got the same treatment as telemarketers.
He only got us for Obama's calls. The rest got an earful.

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