Monday, November 10, 2008

Proud to be an American again

Proud to be an American again

By Bill Press

It's impossible to exaggerate the special significance of this election.

In so many ways, the election of Obama is nothing short of revolutionary.
It represents a 180-degree change of direction for American policy and politics.

At least for the next eight years -- do Republicans seriously believe they can dislodge
Obama with Sarah Palin? -- we won't have to fight the White House any longer.
The White House will actually be fighting for us.

We will soon have a president who supports all the issues we have worked so hard to achieve: civil rights; women's rights; gay rights; workers' rights; universal health care; protecting the environment; and making our schools, again, the best in the world.

And, of course, we'll welcome a president who believes in protecting our basic freedoms and respecting the important limits on executive power enshrined
in the Constitution.

Not to mention the joy of having a president who doesn't mangle the English language.
Read the rest here.

Not only that, but Americans that were booed and jeered in Europe for the last eight years and up to the morning of November 4th are being cheered when they walk into a room today.

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