Friday, November 28, 2008

A quick seven

Things we all are thankful for this Thanksgiving

1. The shrub will soon be gone. Regardless of all of the dismal forecasts of martial law and suspended elections (and knowing that he still has 54 days left for this kind of mischief), the Reign of Error is nearly over and, as a parting gift, Our Worst President Ever has ruined the neo-con movement as a political force; proven Milton Friedman’s untrammeled free trade and Arthur Laffer’s supply-side ‘Trickle Down’ economic theories a bitter joke by implementation; soured the majority of America on the right-wing agenda; lessened the political influence of the christopugicans; eliminated the chance of any future spawn of the shrub's family holding national office for many generations if ever, and destroyed the repugican party as a bonus.

2. President Barack Obama – if he does nothing else, just by his election he has changed the way the world sees us, and the way we see ourselves. And it will be refreshing to have a president that we can be proud of for a change, and one who can even complete a full sentence in grammatical English.

3. Big Media influence is waning as ‘Citizen Journalists’ on the net and in the blogosphere present opinions not found in the corporately-owned mass media. Americans now read more of the foreign press online than ever before, meaning we are gradually becoming less parochial and xenophobic in our knowledge of the world.

4. The GOP might actually nominate Sarah Palin as its presidential nominee in 2012, thereby guaranteeing its decline into a minor regional party sure to lose national elections for many, many generations to come. Short that, the GOP will be wandering lost in the wilderness – they have to either go left, and lose their base, or stay to the same course and learn defeat.

5. Karl Rove and his minions are finished as a force in politics, and Rove himself will face indictments up the whazoo after January 20th. He will be frog-marched in handcuffs yet.

6. The Buzz is, that hundreds of federal employees, silenced by fear or fiat during the reign of cabal, will be blowing the whistle following Obama’s inauguration. Can investigations, indictments and convictions be far behind?

7. Science and the Rule of Law will be respected once again by our government, and decisions will be made by a president who uses his brain for the job.

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