Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Reading the Forums

Perusing the open forums this morning I find the rabid wing-nuts are eerily silent today on them. Which is what I thought would be the case even though up through yesterday they were howling and screeching to the moon in full voice.

Over on the 'wing-nut' forums it is another story. Depending on on how rabid the poster is the more insane the posts are today ... of course dimblub, handjob and cuntler's heads are spinning like the little girl in the Exorcist's spun and the pea soup (read: bile and vitriol) is staining the walls of their padded cells today.

Meantime on the Progressive forums the talk is of joy and determination to work to realizing the change we voted for with the realization that it won't happen tomorrow and it won't happen without effort.

The rancor missing from the open forums is nice to read. It is a pity to think it will be short lived though, because the wing-nuts will be spewing hate and fear again all too soon and accusing everyone else of doing what they are doing.

I just wonder how long will it be before the Republicans take back their party from the repugicans because for now the repugicans will only grow more fanatical and fringe and that is frightening to imagine being as they are so far off the fringe edge now as it is.

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