Saturday, November 8, 2008

Same old clap-trap

"His promise to 'spread the weath around', scares the shit out of me. Watch your wallets with the Democrats in charge!"

The quote above and many such quotes are coming from the still ignorant and ill-informed about Obama's and the Democrats Landslide (a true landslide and not just called one to benefit the republicans as they have called every election they have stolen) last Tuesday.

They are ignorant to believe the lies they are fed by the republicans - particularly the repugican fringe - and woefully ill-informed as to who is better for your wallet.

From the very beginning of the republican party to today, the largest and most severe tax hikes in history have been their doing - every single one!

And it is not only taxes but investments as well are far better off with the Democrats in charge than when the republicans are screwing everyone over.

Each party has 'controlled' the government for 40 years each - give or take - since the stock market crash of 1929 that plunged us into Great Depression.

Now here is a little fact for you to chew on all you wing-nuts out there.

If you had $10,000 dollars to invest in 1929 and you only invested it during times republicans were 'in charge' you would have made a profit of $41,000 dollars in those forty years and have $51,000 dollars in the bank.

Not too shabby you say.

But wait ...

With the Democrats in charge and with that same initial $10,000 dollar investment invested only when they were in charge for their forty years you would have a profit of $375,000 dollars and have $385,000 in the bank.

OK, so tell me again that the republicans are better for my wallet again?!

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