Friday, November 14, 2008

Singing the same old tune

This is why he is known as Lush Dimbulb for the last twenty odd years:

If you have been listening to Lush since the election you need your cranial space jack-hammered to break up the concrete filling it, it place of the gray matter that normal humans have, but I digress.

So with his current mewling and outright screeching lies daily proving he is an idiot and possibly more of an idiot than previously thought - and that is saying something - I thought you might like to return to yesteryear and get a perspective on him ...

"And now the liberals want to stop President Reagan from selling chemical warfare agents and military equipment to Saddam Hussein, and why?
Because Saddam allegedly gassed a
few Kurds in his own country.
Mark my words.
All of this talk of Saddam Hussein being a
war criminal or committing crimes against humanity is the same old thing - liberal hate speech. And speaking of poision gas, I say we round up all the drug addicts and gas them."

~ Rush Limbaugh, November 3, 1988

Kind of telling isn't it?!

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