Friday, November 14, 2008

Socialism and the 'Bailout'

Of all the whacked-out and warped 'charges' raised by the repugicans during and after the election the charges of Socialism are the wackiest and most warped yet.
They howl that cutting taxes for the middle class is Socialism (obviously they fail to grasp the meaning of Socialism or what it truly is for that matter... but I digress).

If middle class tax cuts are Socialism, then so too, are top of the income tax cuts - something which would make raygun and the shrub America's biggest socialists.

Tax policy has nothing to do with socialism - under pure socialism there are no taxes - it is just another in a litany of smokescreens and mirrors the repugicans try to use to divert the public's attention away from their shenanigans ... something that will not work ever again.

Socialism is where government owns the companies that provide goods and services - the "means of production".

Treasury secretary Paulson announced that the government will not be buying up any "distressed assets" at all - the very thing the $700 Billion dollar "bailout" bill was sold to Congress and the American people to do.
Instead it will buy stock in financial institutions.
(Here is a hint for you clueless repugicans out there that is pure unadulterated socialism at its finest.)

Most of the initial $350 Billion has been spent already - with zero oversight - and not a single penny has been spent to help people stay in their homes or keep their distressed assets.
You know what - I am giving odds there won't be a single penny spent to help people stay in their homes or keep their distressed assets out of that entire $700 Billion.
You do know it will be gone before Obama takes office and more than likely it will end up being found somewhere on a certain 90-odd acres in Paraguay.

So tell me, where are Limbaugh, Hannity, Boorts, Cavuto, Beck, O'Reilly, Coulter, and the rest of America's "Guardians of Liberty" on this very real advent of Socialism coming straight out of a repugican junta?

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